What is Chlorosis? Chlorosis is a serious condition where a tree’s ability to manufacture chlorophyll has been compromised. Because chlorophyll is the green pigment found in leaves, this condition …
Bronze Birch Borer
Native to North America, damage caused by the Bronze Birch Borer (BBB) dates back to the late 1800’s and continues to present day. This pest is known to attack all native and non-native species of …
Apple Scab
Apple scab, caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis, is not considered a serious threat to crabapple or apple trees; however, repeated annual infections can weaken the tree making it more susceptible …
Emerald Ash Borer Management

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is a small, metallic green, invasive wood-boring beetle that attacks and kills all ash trees, native or planted, in NE Iowa, SE Minnesota, and SW Wisconsin. The adult insect …